Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nutritional Porridge Oats

What was not sought in order to maintain physical fitness and physical formation okay? food directly into the limelight when he started thinking about it. How not, this is what we prepared daily before starting the activity. Every morning, usually food like porridge and bread are available to serve as stock enough energy stored in
the stomach until lunch time. 

In order for a balanced nutritional intake, you should begin to pay attention to the content or the content of food. Porridge oats can be used as an alternative healthy food with high fiber is good for your body metabolism, especially the digestive system. 

Food is good for health is that contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins , and minerals in balance with the amount we need. Content of Wheat Porridge Oatmeal contain carbohydrates as the main energy source rich in fiber. Wheat plants have seeds inside, called Groats, coated by the outer skin or oatbran which is processed into cereal without eliminating the source of fiber. These fibers absorb the bad cholesterol or LDL in the blood and maintain the good or HDL cholesterol remained stable. Protected from disease Fibrous and full of nutrients. 

That is the wheat which according to most clinical nutrition specialist can assist those who want a healthy lifestyle and avoid the rising cholesterol and followed with coronary heart attack. 

Oatmeal regularly consumed as much as 70 grams per day was very powerful pull cholesterol out of the body and keep it stable no matter how much you eat fatty foods. However, it would be wise if it is eating healthy foods like oats, you start the program healthy other. Like, smart food choices by reducing the food that allegedly contain lots of fat and cholesterol, regular exercise, adequate rest, and keep positive thinking. Oatmeal is also very good for people with diabetes. 

Their blood sugar levels regularly eat oats tend to be lower. It fits perfectly for those who suffer from diabetes because it can reduce high blood sugar levels. The content of protein and nutrients, like zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron, copper, and vitamin E, also found in oats. It is almost certain side effect for those who enjoyed a healthy diet is the body fit and away from various diseases. Processed Wheat Wheat was not only processed in the form Serela, but in the form of food like this. Quick oats. 

The shape is flat and dry and is often used as material for cakes. Rolled oatmeal. When processed in the factory , already in the form of cooked and dry cereals and ingredients make a great cake maker. Scotch oats. More refined than regular rolled oatmeal and served with warm water mixed. Whole oats. Still in a raw state with fairly high in fiber.

Instant oats
Oats is that we consume daily and serve it too easy, just mix the water hot . Sometimes, added other flavors in its packaging.

Nutritional porridge oats

What was not sought in order to
maintain physical fitness and
physical formation okay? food
directly into the limelight when
he started thinking about it.
How not, this is what we
prepared daily before starting
the activity. Every morning,
usually food like porridge and
bread are available to serve as
stock enough energy stored in
the stomach until lunch time.
In order for a balanced
nutritional intake, you should
begin to pay attention to the
content or the content of food.
Porridge oats can be used as an
alternative healthy food with
high fiber is good for your body
metabolism, especially the
digestive system. Food is good
for health is that contains
carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
vitamins , and minerals in
balance with the amount we
Content of Wheat Porridge
Oatmeal contain carbohydrates
as the main energy source rich
in fiber. Wheat plants have
seeds inside, called Groats,
coated by the outer skin or
oatbran which is processed into
cereal without eliminating the
source of fiber. These fibers
absorb the bad cholesterol or
LDL in the blood and maintain
the good or HDL cholesterol
remained stable.
Protected from disease
Fibrous and full of nutrients .
That is the wheat which
according to most clinical
nutrition specialist can assist
those who want a healthy
lifestyle and avoid the rising
cholesterol and followed with
coronary heart attack. Oatmeal
regularly consumed as much as
70 grams per day was very
powerful pull cholesterol out
of the body and keep it stable
no matter how much you eat
fatty foods.
However, it would be wise if it is
eating healthy foods like oats,
you start the program healthy
other. Like, smart food choices
by reducing the food that
allegedly contain lots of fat
and cholesterol, regular
exercise, adequate rest, and
keep positive thinking.
Oatmeal is also very good for
people with diabetes . Their
blood sugar levels regularly eat
oats tend to be lower. It fits
perfectly for those who suffer
from diabetes because it can
reduce high blood sugar levels.
The content of protein and
nutrients, like zinc, selenium,
magnesium, iron, copper, and
vitamin E, also found in oats. It
is almost certain side effect for
those who enjoyed a healthy
diet is the body fit and away
from various diseases.
Processed Wheat
Wheat was not only processed
in the form Serela, but in the
form of food like this.
Quick oats. The shape is flat
and dry and is often used as
material for cakes.
Rolled oatmeal. When
processed in the factory ,
already in the form of
cooked and dry cereals and
ingredients make a great
cake maker.
Scotch oats. More refined
than regular rolled oatmeal
and served with warm water
Whole oats. Still in a raw
state with fairly high in fiber.
Instant oats. Oats is that we
consume daily and serve it
too easy, just mix the water
hot . Sometimes, added
other flavors in its packaging.

cassava, yams, potatoes, a substitute for rice

why do people still rely on
Indonesia and getting used to
eating rice?
whereas there are many other
staple food source that can be
used as a substitute mekanan
rice and easy in production and
planting. see cassava abundant
and easily grown and the price is
cheap. limited amount of rice
produced and is difficult to
cause price rise becoming more
and more in tune with rising
population growth and dietary
habits of society that does not
we should not be too familiar
and dependent on one type of
staple foods only. we must
make our diet varies with
different methods of
presentation / recipes. so when
the rice becomes scarce and
expensive, people will not be
affected because it can eat
sweet potatoes, maize, cassava,
potato, sago, vegetables, fruits
and so forth.
government together with
communities to create new
recipes as a simple but tasty
and nutritious for the public
expenditures for meals and
drinks can be low as cheap-
cheap for the money can be
saved and used for other more
important purposes such as for
education, health, welfare , and
so forth.
start of self-dependence and
addiction to not eating rice. try
to switch the menu like eating
rice corn, cereals, oats, instant
noodles, mashed potatoes, corn
noodles, yam noodles, honey
roasted sweet potatoes, and so
forth. if rice prices rise then we
would not be much affected
because we can eat the other.
when others are also rising,
eating another, and so on.

Healthy foods for kids

your child does
not want crushed
rice, or eat foods
such as rice cake
made ​​of rice or porridge. Do
not force him again!
Throw away the anger and
fear that has no end. Because
not eat rice, it does not mean
our baby will be thin and sick
from lack of nutrition.
Because we can provide
valuable replacement food
nutrients. Call it the sago,
potato, maize, cassava,
bread, noodles, oatmeal, or
Sago is the grain or flour
obtained from the terrace bar
or sago palm tree sago (sago
Rottb Metroxylon). Food
staples of Maluku and Papua
are commonly eaten in the
form papeda (sort of mush).
Sago itself is also sold as a
powder or a compacted bulk
and packed in banana leaf. At
the moment many Moms
also loh, noodles prepared
from sago.
One hundred grams of dry
sago equivalent to 355
calories. Within which the
average contained 94 grams
carbohydrates, 0.2 grams
protein, 0.5 grams fiber, 10
mg calcium, 1.2mg iron, and
fat, carotene, thiamine, and
ascorbic acid in very small
Potatoes are five major
groups of the world's staple
foods other than wheat, corn,
rice, and wheat. The main
part of potatoes into food is a
tuber, which is a source of
carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals with high enough.
Nutrient content in 100 grams
of potatoes, among others: 2
g protein, 0.3 grams fat,
carbohydrate 19.10 g,
calcium 11 mg, 56 mg
phosphorus, 0.3 g fiber, 0.3
mg iron, vitamin B1 0:09 mg,
0.03 mg vitamin B2, vitamin C
16.00 mg, and 1.40 mg niacin.
Staple food alternantif
citizens Madura, Nusa
Tenggara and even United
States citizens are also rich in
nutrients. No wonder the red-
haired hump is also enthused
the children. Nutrient content
in maize seeds each were:
energy 150 cal, 1.6 g protein,
0.6 g fat, 11 mg calcium, and
carbohydrates 11.40 g

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Vegetables are very good for
our bodies, and as parents, we
should educate and lead
children to eat vegetables
every day as well as good for
the growth period, the content
of vitamins and minerals
contained in it are very good for
our bodies. How can so the little
one to eat vegetables? Here are
tips to get around and make the
little one going and likes to eat
Good attitude and a little
creativity is the key
The most important factor
affecting the attitude of your
own, give examples on the Baby
by contributing to eat
vegetables on a regular basis.
Avoid forcing them to eat
vegetables. Ajarkannya to try
to eat vegetables in a teaspoon
full, but do not be sad if he
refused. By itself, it will
attempt to try again, so keep
him introduce a variety of food
from time to time. And keep in
mind, usually the little one will
learn why nutrition is important
for the body. You can educate
him by often said: "Vegetables
is easy you know, and can make
our body healthy and also
getting bigger and stronger".
Some tricks that can be done
Add some vegetables to
food purchased in stores, or
food that is ready to eat
Serve on a plate of
vegetables such as salad
vegetables, fruit salad,
before the main meal, and
when he is hungry-hungry.
Always prepare fresh
vegetables such as
tomatoes, lettuce, carrots,
inside your refrigerator, so
when you need it to make a
snack or a snack for the little
one, the materials are
already available in your
Always prepare well for
salad dressings, like thousand
island, and can also add
cheese sauce to add taste.
You can also make mashed
potatoes (smashed sweet
potatoes), potatoes also
contain lot of vitamins
especially vitamin A
Try to take the little one to
be creative to make a salad
or sandwich favorite, using
Try not to cook vegetables
too ripe to maintain the
flavor and integrity of the
Try to introduce vegetables
to the little one, try to serve
the menu of vegetables
every day with different
menus and of course served
with a draw.
Bring the little one to go be
creative in the menu to serve
vegetables, such as teach
the little one to wash
vegetables, or teach your
child more likely to cut
vegetables, or teach how to
choose good vegetables and
Try to grow vegetables in
your yard, take the little one
to join this activity.
Additional Tips
If the little one really does not
like vegetables, try to mix the
vegetables into favorite foods,
such as:
Make muffins, together with
the little one by adding a
little pumpkin batter mixture
into it, or carrots.
Try to include leaf lettuce,
sliced ​​tomatoes, or sliced
​​carrots into a tuna sandwich,
meat, or chicken.
Try to add the frozen
vegetables that are ready-
mixed into a salad, spaghetti,
soup or lasagna.
Try to make pizza with the
little one with toping add
vegetables, like broccoli,
spinach, plus also with
tomato sauce toping.

Tips For Children Want to EatFruits & Vegetables

Familiarize your baby to eat
fruit and vegetables is not easy.
Need special tricks to make kids
want to eat fruit and
There is no other better way of
teaching in advance about the
benefits of the foods they eat.
These five tips so that your kids
will enjoy the fruits and
1. Get used from as early as
Although easier, get children
should avoid eating junk food or
fast food restaurant. Begin to
familiarize your child eating
fruits, replace the packaging
with a piece of fruit snacks
fresh and tasty.
2. Combine with a menu
You can lure your child with a
mix of fruit or vegetable on the
food menu favorite. For
example, the input of
vegetables into the batter
macaroni schotel favorite child,
your child will be guaranteed to
enjoy the moment - when
eating vegetables.
3. Teach by example.
If you eat unhealthy foods,
your child will see and imitate.
So start now start from seniri
and give yourself a good
example by eating healthy
foods with her.
4. Let your child choose.
Next time when you shop at the
supermarket, do not forget nTo
bring your baby and let her
choose the fruit or vegetable
that became his favorite. You
can teach a creative way to eat
it. Bananas will look very boring
when eaten just like that, try to
cut it and put peanut butter and
chocolate sow thereon for an
interesting view.
5. Teach the benefits and
Maybe you think that identifies
the benefits of broccoli to the
child will not be heard by them,
but do not underestimate the
kids. They need to know the
reasons and benefits of eating
healthy foods and do not be
tired to continue to explain it to


PATTERN healthy living must
be trained from an early age,
one of them carefully adjusting
the diet. Healthy body can
increase the concentration and
intelligence of the baby.
Here are the things that must
be considered to set healthy
eating patterns for the pitcher.
1. Eating Schedule Set
Schedule regular meals not
only teaches discipline in
children, also get children on
healthy eating. Teach the
importance of breakfast for
school density in undisturbed
Get used also for dinner
together. Sitting with the
family at the dinner table while
chatting casually, create an
atmosphere of dinner is more
warm and comfortable.
2. Provide Provisions
Bringing lunch from home has
two benefits for you and the
kids: saving pocket money and
avoid the snacks at school that
is not guaranteed cleanliness.
3. Involve Children
Shopping becomes an
enjoyable time for children.
Children can choose what foods
they want to eat for dinner or
as a school lunch.
Shopping is also a good time to
teach children how to choose
foods that are healthy and
nutritious. For the child who
was a teenager, also taught
how to read labels on food, and
calculate calorific value in it.
4. Prepare a Healthy, No Need
to Throw a
Always make your kitchen as a
healthy food warehouse. Do
not leave the refrigerator
empty of vegetables, fruits,
milk, fruit juices, the herbs,
white water, and wheat snacks.
Get rid of collection calorie
laden snacks, sodas, or fatty
pastry. Do not allow children to
see it!
5. Create Variations Food
Children hate to eat
vegetables? Set a new strategy
to "hide" vegetables in your
cooking. Do not let children
know there are veggies in it.
Right now sold in the market,
vegetable nuggets with a taste
similar to chicken or fish
Create also supplies food with
unique shapes. Remove your
creativity to decorate your
food into animal shapes,
cartoon characters, or favorite
6. Do not Make Dining Table
As Battlefield
Let the child choose what he
wants to eat. Do not imitate the
nag Misae Shinchan always
forced to eat peppers. If the
child is already full, do not
force him to spend the meal
until sold out.
from Various Sources

How to Persuade WantChildren To Eat Vegetables

Giving gifts favorite food to
children when he wants to eat
vegetables is a mistake. The
following is a more effective
way to get kids to eat
vegetables .
Apparently bribing your child to
want to eat vegetables by
providing ice cream , candy ,
chocolate or food favorite is
the solution fast. That way,
children get the nutrition and
you will not persuade him dizzy.
Unfortunately, this method can
actually interfere with your
child mentality in the long
term. According to research
conducted by LeAnn Birch ,
PhD, a professor of human
development at Penn State
University , reveals that it
actually increases a sense of
reluctant little larger on the
broccoli , spinach , carrots and
vegetables other.
As quoted from eatinghealth,
may persuade the child with
food sweet can occasionally be
done but not at any time. There
are better ways than to
persuade him with candy .
1. Give an example by eating a
meal of vegetables in front of
the child and invite him to eat
with you.
2. Make a presentation of
vegetables as attractive as
possible. For example, cooking
soup with pieces of carrot -like
flowers or add macaroni with
interesting shapes.
3. Encourage your child to cook
vegetables is with you. In this
way, it is hoped the child would
try to eat what was cooked.
You do not need to eat
forbidden foods sweet . If
forced, it actually makes your
child eat foods sweeter without
your knowledge. Instead, teach
him to consume foods sweet a
natural as honey or fruit- trees .


What can
you do when your child refuses
food so he needed? Most of you
might say to keep trying to
introduce. But if only this
technique is undertaken, the
results are not always
Not long ago, Dietary Guidelines
Advisory Committee, a group of
independent scientists who
advise the government on the
American people an ideal
consumption-identify that
both children - both children
and adults need to get more
calcium, vitamin D, potassium,
and fiber. You can get these
nutrients in milk, fruits,
vegetables, and grains-foods
that are usually shunned a
series of children.
Here are solutions to help the
little one voter food (picky
eaters) to get food and
nutrients they need, as quoted
by Eating Well.
Do not like fruit
The solution, though the fruit in
the milkshake. Most fruits give
the amount of potassium and
vitamin C are sufficient while
the smoothie made from fruit is
a fitting way to hide fruit in the
Most kids feel attracted to suck
up drinks with a straw.
Smoothie of the store is often
loaded with lots of added sugar,
making for a healthier menu,
make yourself at home.
Children do not like to eat
broccoli (and other vegetables)
The solution, flush with cheese
sauce. Adding the cheese over
the vegetables, like broccoli,
cauliflower, or cabbage help
"tame" a sense of what makes
children lazy to eat. Indeed,
cheese is generally contain
more calories and saturated fat
than low-fat dairy products,
but also gives the cheese a
little calcium.
The key is to add the cheese
just enough to make
vegetables taste good, does
not eliminate the calories and
fat vegetables.
Children do not like to drink milk
The solution, add the
chocolate. In fact, chocolate
milk more than the kids love
vanilla milk. If you impose full
cream milk until finally he drank
milk, the child will lose
important nutrients provided
by milk.
With or without flavor, milk
provides calcium (1 cup
provides a third of daily
requirement), vitamin D,
riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus,
and protein. Chocolate milk
does contain added sugar, but
seem to drink milk with the
flavor does not mean you can
not add sugar diet for children.
For according to a study
published in the Journal of the
American Dietetic Association,
children who drink milk with a
sense of having a higher calcium
intake than children who do not
drink milk without feeling, but
the overall intake of added
sugars they are the same.


Staple food is always whether
you eat every day, rice? Indeed
dsaat community is more
familiar with the types of food
grains this. However, actually
there are many other foods
that have nutritional value is
not less than rice. So a big meal
does not have rice, there are
plenty of other foods.
Actually one of the
government also, in the past let
the rice / white rice as a staple
food popularized the best. The
government itself did
intensification of rice
agriculture in order to self-
sufficiency in rice. As a result
people began to leave the
original staple foods they
consume, such as corn, sago,
cassava, and others.
Now the people of Indonesia
has been dependent on rice and
assume if you have not eaten
rice is not eaten. Source of
other carbohydrates such as
bread, sweet potatoes,
noodles, rice noodles, potatoes,
maize, tubers, taro, cassava,
including macaroni, spaghetti,
and various pasta - Western
food - which is now more
popular it is still considered just
a distraction or a booster food
hungry before eating rice.
It should be recognized now
more and more citizens of our
society who are used to eating
white bread for a main meal at
breakfast. However, according
to Prof. DR. Made Astawan, MS,
there are many sources of
carbohydrates are eligible to be
considered as a substitute for
Perhaps the first thing people
need to be improved is the
perception that the food they
make full and appropriate at
the tongue was not just white
rice. The hope, parents can
socialize keanegaragaman
staple food to the children,
considering the formation of
tastes and eating habits starting
Here you can see a number of
staple food found in Indonesia,
with descriptions of content
that is not less good nutrition
than white rice.
Explained Prof. Made, potatoes
included in the five major
groups of staple foods of the
world other than wheat, corn,
rice, and wheat. As a source of
carbohydrates, potatoes also
contain vitamins and minerals is
quite high. Carbohydrate
content of potatoes about 18
per cent, protein 2.4 percent
and 0.1 percent fat. The total
energy obtained from 100
grams of potatoes about 80
Compared to rice,
carbohydrate, protein, fat, and
lower energy potatoes.
However, when compared with
other tubers such as cassava,
sweet potato, and taro,
nutrient composition of
potatoes are still relatively
Potatoes are the only type of
bulbs that are rich in vitamin C,
levels at 31 milligrams per 100
grams of potatoes. Other
tubers are very poor in vitamin
C. Other vitamins that are
prominent enough niacin and
thiamine (vitamin B1).
Potatoes also contain various
minerals such as calcium (26
mg/100 g), phosphorus (49 mg
per 100 g), iron (1.1 mg/100 g),
and potassium (449 mg/100 g).
While the sodium content is
very low, namely 0.4 mg/100
The ratio of potassium to
sodium is high on the potato is
very beneficial for health,
particularly in preventing
disease high blood pressure
Not many people know that
Indonesia is the largest country
that has sago groves. According
to Prof. Made, sago palm is
native to Southeast Asia with
the largest planting area in
Appropriate, with the widest
area, sago can be done by the
food staple, Indonesia.
Unfortunately, only a certain
area that makes the sago as a
staple food.
As a source of energy,
equivalent sago rice, maize,
cassava, potato, and wheat
flour. Sago can be used as a
potential food source of
carbohydrate because it implies
quite high at 84.7 grams per 100
grams of material.
Carbohydrate content is also
equivalent to that contained in
rice flour, cassava, and
Compared with corn flour and
wheat flour, corn starch
carbohydrate content is
relatively higher. Energy
content in 100 grams sago flour
is 353 calories.
Unfortunately, sago including
food very poor in protein. Sago
flour protein content of only
0.7 g/100 g of material, much
lower than rice flour, corn, and
wheat. Judging from the levels
of vitamins and minerals too,
sago have lower levels
compared with other staple
Realizing the potential of sago
that is not as complete nutrition
and other basic foodstuffs as
well, sago should be consumed
together with other ingredients
better nutritional content.
The concept of diversification
of food consumption such as
that which has been practiced
by traditional people of Maluku
and Papua. They combine the
sago with fish (as a source of
protein) and various vegetables
(as a source of vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants, and fiber
Papeda sago is processed foods
from which a daily meal in rural
areas of Maluku and Papua.
Nutritious and healthy food can
be eaten hot or cold in a state,
such as Ongol-Ongol.
"The concept of diversification
of food consumption that is not
just rely on one type of food
such as rice, as is done in the
form papeda, should be
emulated and exemplified by
communities in other areas,"
says Prof. Made.
It is important to increase food
availability, food quality, ease
of getting food, and
simultaneously improve the
food security of Indonesia. This
way will make Indonesia an
independent in food
No need to worry about the
nutritional value papeda. The
fact is that people who eat
papeda pauknya complete with
side dishes, never face the
problem of nutrient deficiency.
Tuber Garut
This tuber has nothing to do
with the city of Garut. "The
word is derived from arrowroot
arrowroot which means that
plants that have root rhizome
(bulb) is shaped like a bow," says
Prof. Made.
If the language of the
Caribbean, arrowroot plant is
called ararute, which means
starchy root. Indeed, the main
content of tubers of arrowroot
is a carbohydrate that can be
processed into flour.
Umbi garut ini memiliki tekstur
lembut dan mudah dicerna.
That's why the bulbs are highly
recommended to be consumed
by those who are recovering
from illness. Also suitable child
consumed with Asperger's
High levels of carbohydrates
and energy make arrowroot
tubers can be used instead of
carbohydrates. Relatively low
protein content than rice flour
or cornmeal, but equivalent to
the protein sago, cassava flour,
potato flour, cornstarch, and
Low protein flour arrowroot
tubers can disiasati by
combining it with food sources
of protein. In the food industry,
arrowroot starch used as raw
materials porridge (lunkhead),
pancakes, cakes syringe, pretty
sweet, bread, biscuits, cendol,
pudding, chips, noodles, liquid
glucose, as well as baby food.
Arrowroot starch can be used as
a replacement part or whole
wheat flour in the food
industry. In making bread, flour
arrowroot flour could
substitute as much as 10-20
percent, while in the
manufacture of dry noodles,
wheat flour could substitute up
to 15-20 percent.
"Taro also has the potential to
become a staple food in
addition to betas because they
contain carbohydrates and
other nutrients," says the editor
of this GHS experts.
Carbohydrate content of taro is
quite high although not as big as
cassava, rice, and wheat. The
largest component of the
carbohydrate is starch taro
which reached 77.9 percent.
Taro tuber starch consists of
17-28 percent amylose, the
remaining 72-83 percent is
High levels of amylopectin
cause taro is fluffier and sticky
like sticky rice. Another
advantage of taro starch is
easily digested, so suitable for
use as infant food or healing
after illness.
Taro also has better protein
content. These proteins contain
several essential amino acids
even though poor histidine,
lysine, isoleucine, tryptophan,
and methionine. To improve the
quality of protein, taro can be
consumed with beans. Talas
also contains fat, vitamins, and
Like other root crops, taro tuber
also contains oligosaccharides,
especially rafinosa.
Oligosaccharides are not
digested in the small intestine,
but entry into the large
intestine. In the large intestine,
rafinosa fermented by a
number of microflora produce a
variety of gases such as
methane (CH4), carbon dioxide
(C02), and hydrogen (H2).
Accumulation of these gases
cause bloating, so people often
flatulence (farting) after eating
taro. However, the process of
cooking such as boiling, frying,
steaming, or roasting enough to
help reduce rafinosa
compounds in taro.
One of the bulbs that have
strategic value as a substitute
for white rice is cassava. It said
the Professor in the Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, IPB,
cassava tubers contain very
high carbohydrate, about 34-38
grams per 100 grams. Energy
content of 146-157 calories per
100 grams of material.
That is, cassava can be equated
with potatoes, wheat, rice and
even, as a source of
carbohydrate. Unfortunately,
protein content in cassava is
low, so it must be balanced with
the food source of protein
when eating them.
Compared to white cassava,
cassava yellow has the
advantage of provitamin A
content, which in the body is
converted into vitamin A.
Levels of provitamin A in
yellow cassava equivalent to
385 SI of vitamin A per 100
grams, while the white cassava
does not contain vitamin A.
One thing to watch out for the
processing of cassava is the acid
content of cyanide (HCN) which
are toxic. There are four
categories of cassava based on
its HCN content: class which is
not toxic (about 50 mg HCN per
kg fresh tuber), slightly toxic
class (50-80 mg HCN per kg of
fresh tubers, toxic group
(80-100 mg HCN per kg tuber
fresh), and the class of highly
toxic (more than 100 mg HCN
per kg fresh tuber).
Some kind of bitter cassava and
some even contain up to 400
milligrams of cyanide per
kilogram of fresh tubers. The
wash in running water and
adequate heating is very potent
in preventing the formation of
HCN that are toxic. In other
words, if processed properly
and hygienically, no need to
worry about consuming
processed cassava products.
Cassava was delicious. Can be
fried or boiled. Well, even so it
made chips. And know tiwul
cassava can be transformed
into a fairly nutritious.
Cassava became the main food
in the area of ​​Gunung Kidul.
Unfortunately, the position of
cassava began to shift as the
population has begun to get
used to eating rice imported
into the area.
Brown rice
Although both rice, our society
is more than 30 years of leaving
the brown rice and just eat rice
from white rice. New two-three
years of red rice consumption
began to re-popularized as part
of a healthy lifestyle.
Brown rice is healthier because
it is generally crushed or broken
skin, so the epidermis,
commonly called the bran still
attached. Well, the epidermis is
rich in fiber and natural oils.
Fat contained in the epidermis is
essential fats which are crucial
to brain development. Natural
fiber also give full effect and
cleanses the digestive tract. By
doing so, become better
nutrition for the body.
Carbohydrate content of
brown rice of about 77.6 grams
per 100 grams of material.
While brown rice protein
content of about 7.5 grams per
100 grams of material, slightly
higher than white rice, 6.8
grams per 100 grams of
Instead of white rice, brown
rice is superior to vitamin and
mineral content. Brown rice
contains vitamin B1 (thiamin) is
higher than white rice,
respectively 0.21 and 0.12
milligrams per 100 grams of
The most prominent mineral
content in brown rice is the
calcium and phosphorus. Levels
of calcium in the brown rice 16
mg per 100 g and 163 mg
phosphorus per 100 grams of
material. Other minerals found
in red rice is selenium. Selenium
levels in 100 grams of brown
rice 39 micrograms.
Although in the past some of
our communities using corn as a
staple food, now more are
classified as vegetable, or
treated as snacks and processed
into a side dish.
It is becoming increasingly rare
residents of our society that
makes corn as staple food.
While in Western societies, corn
is an alternative staple food.
Perhaps this is our challenge,
make the corn come back as an
alternative staple food.
Maize is the staple food source
of carbohydrate. These foods
contain substances that are
useful for the body as sugar, oil,
fat, potassium, calcium,
phosphorus, zinc (iron), vitamins
A, B1, B6, and C.
Corn is filling, you know. In
order not to get bored, corn can
be processed into various foods
that are unique.
For example, a meatball corn,
pop corn, roasted corn on the
cob or corn that dioles with
margarine. Lezaaat!
No less great with rice, corn can
be used as fodder. Amazingly,
the corn can be grown almost
anywhere in the hemisphere.
Almost in all regions in our
country, especially dry areas,
corn plants are growing well.
When viewed more closely, the
nutritional value of corn is not
less than rice. It said Prof. Made,
the energy contained 100
grams of rice for 360 calories,
equivalent to the energy in
corn. Carbohydrate content of
corn is also largely composed of
starch, thereby filling.
There is one advantage of corn
as a substitute for rice
compared with other
commodities, which tastes
sweet, so it can increase
appetite. The sweet taste of
sugar content in corn caused,
namely around 1-3 percent,
consisting of 57 percent
sucrose contained in the
institution (seed).
Soun and Noodle
Although less popular than
noodles, glass noodles and rice
noodles can still be used as a
source of carbohydrates. The
three types of food can be
interchanged as a staple food in
an effort to diversify food.
In contrast to the noodles that
uses the raw material flour
impar, glass noodles and
vermicelli made from local raw
materials. At first glance, glass
noodles have a shape and size
such as vermicelli. "The
difference, glass noodles made
from rice starch, corn starch,
cassava starch, potato starch,
or other starches, while the
noodles from rice flour," said
Prof. Made Astawan, MS.
Viewed from tilapia nutrition,
glass noodles contains 363
calories per 100 grams, making
the glass noodles is a good
source of energy. Energy
content is similar to vermicelli,
which is 360 calories per 100
grams. This means, both glass
noodles or vermicelli suitable
for use as staple food that is
filling and rich in energy.
What periu remembered for
nutritional composition not
much different with rice, glass
noodles and rice noodles are
not used as a side dish of rice.
Glass noodles and vermicelli
penggant only be used as an
alternative to rice.
although high-carbohydrate,
both of food is low protein
content. Soun containing
protein by 8.7 g, while the
vermicelli 4.7 grams per 100
grams of material. However,
both glass noodles and rice
noodles are high in calcium with
calcium levels higher than
vermicelli glass noodles, which
is 20 mg and 6 mg per 100 grams
of material. Phosphorus
content of glass noodles and
vermicelli is 80 mg and 35 mg
per 100 grams of material.
Glass noodles and vermicelli
nutritional value can be
enhanced by combining various
sources of protein in the
processing, such as eggs, meat,
fish, shrimp, and so forth. To
boost levels of vitamins,
minerals, and fiber, add all
vegetables in glass noodles and
vermicelli dishes.
Oat bread
Compared with rice and noodles
are often eaten, bread wheat,
including better energy
sources. For example, if 100
grams of cooked rice contains
178 calories of energy, and 100
grams of noodles contains 86
kcal, at 100 grams of bread
wheat can reach 248 calories of
energy. In addition to a higher
energy content, fiber content
found on wheat bread is also
better, so it can withstand
hunger longer.
Actually, wheat bread and
white bread is not much
different. Both are derived
from wheat. The difference is,
white bread made from wheat
flour, while whole wheat bread
made from wheat flour.
Wheat flour milling wheat is the
result of the most in
(endosperm), while wheat flour
is whole wheat grain milling
results are only skin deep
discharged, so that a higher
fiber content than white flour.
The original wheat bread is
bread made from 100 percent
wheat flour. Wheat bread of
good quality can be seen from a
dark-colored crumb and a
brown granules derived from
the epidermis of wheat seed. In
addition, the original wheat
bread can also be seen from the
crust of bread (crust), which is
more dark and rough, while
white bread tends to golden
Inlah that make the nutritional
content of wheat bread is
superior compared to white
bread. Fiber content in bread
wheat is almost six times as
much fiber in white bread.
Consumption of 100 grams of
bread wheat, equivalent to four
pieces of bread, contain fiber as
much as 12.2 grams. While 100
grams of white bread contains
only 2.7 grams of fiber, or just
one-sixth of the fiber found in
bread wheat.
In addition, bread wheat has a
carbohydrate and energy
content was slightly lower than
white bread. It's a good cause
wheat bread to maintain ideal
weight. Bread wheat can help
keep hunger longer a result of
the high fiber content.
In Indonesia, the noodles are
very popular with people of
various circles, from children to
senior citizens. The reason is
because the nature of the
noodles are good, practical, and
filling. Mi high carbohydrate
content, thus worthy of being a
source of carbohydrates
instead of rice.
Along with technological
developments and the
increasing awareness of
nutrition, now mi do not only
serve as a supplier of energy,
but also as a source of other
nutrients. Various types of
vitamins and minerals can
difortifikasikan into the noodles,
as is often encountered in the
instant noodle.
Nevertheless, the adequacy of
nutrients can not be fulfilled
only by relying on a pack of
noodles. The combination with
vegetables and protein sources
are needed in order to boost the
nutritional composition
completeness mi.
Unfortunately, there are
several weaknesses in the
instant noodle product.
Generally noodles contain very
little fiber (dietary fiber) as well
as vitamins B and E, although
the composition of the instant
noodle lately been more
complete. Therefore, we still
need to add other materials
from outside, especially
vegetables and protein sources,
for getting better and better
nutritional value.
Keep in mind that no single food
contains all the necessary
nutrients the body in sufficient
quantities. If you want to meet
all the necessary nutrients,
there is no way except by
increasing the diversity of food
eaten daily.
"With a diverse combination of
consumption, nutritional
elements of food will
complement each other. Lack
of nutrients from food that
one, will be covered by other
foodstuffs. Diverse food
consumption will be better for
health, compared with
consumption patterns that rely
on certain single food,
"explained Prof. Made.


Human life in the present and
future can not be separated
from technology. One form of
very rapid technological
development is information
technology, or better known
people with IT. The
introduction of IT since the
early to the child will provide
lunch to the children to face
the global era.
IT education early age must be
adjusted to the theory of
growth and development in this
age of 0-8 years. Children aged
0-8 years when categorized
educational pattern can be
subdivided into 4 age of parent
coaching (0-2 years), pre-school
age (2-4 years), formal school
age (4-6 years), and age of
preparation elementary
education (6-8 years). Each
category of early childhood has
a different form of IT
The core of IT education, there
are two things that introduce IT
early and help children's
learning process in a much more
enjoyable. In another sense
that IT in this case the
computer was introduced as an
object as well as computer
dipelajaridan used as a medium
of learning other sciences.
IT forms the introduction of
this form of introduction of
computer hardware that can be
viewed and handled directly by
the child such as CPU, Monitor,
Mouse, Keyboard and Printer.
The introduction of hardware is
equipped with an explanation of
each function tool with a direct
way to practice its use.
Proficiency using keyboard and
mouse more easily taught to
children as compared with
people who are already old.
Introduction to hardware
limitations this is a child not
related directly to electricity.
So, children are not allowed to
drive in itself plug into a power
outlet or holding device that if
powered directly. This is to
ensure that children are not
exposed to electric shock and
make sure to avoid short circuit
electrical current.
Design and layout of computer
hardware tailored to the child's
body size or regular termed
ergonomics. Ergonomic work
tools are not bad for the
anatomy of the child for the
long term. Mouse for example,
cultivated for its size adjusted
to grip the child and is
convenient to reach. The
location of the monitor also
sought not to make children
look up or too close to time to
see it.
Computers can also be used to
assist the delivery of learning
materials to make it more
enjoyable. The existence of a
colorful display of images that
can move and the sound of
joyous singing that can
stimulate the child to feel more
at home playing while learning.
A lot of edutainment software
that can be used for this study.
Edutainment software is able to
foster creativity, imagination,
and train the motor nerves of
children. An example is the
familiar game of colors,
recognize familiar pictures and
sounds. For pre-school age
children (2-4 years) is very
suitable to use edutainment
software like this.
Other edutainment software
that hone their intellectual and
psychomotor aspects of
children introduced to the
above pre-school age (4-8
years). Preparation of puzzles,
games of strategy, memory
training, preparation of the
tangram, looking for hidden
objects and look for differences
is an example of software
suitable for use in this age.
Besides, there are also software
literacy and numeracy in two or
three languages ​​and logic
games that really helps brain
development of children.
Technology, particularly IT are
expected to bridge the left and
right brain balance children.
However, keep in mind that the
technology also has a negative
impact on children. Actual
technology is neutral. Positive
or negative impacts that may
arise from more technology
dependent than their
utilization. Computers as one
form of technology used in
vain, the impact could be

Monday, March 14, 2011

Easy Audio Editor Software

Dexster Audio Editor will be
able to make a supersonic audio
professional with great ease.
Even if you are a beginner
Dexster Audio Editor, from
Softdiv Software, may not
offer as many editing tools as
GoldWave, but it aims for user-
friendly or easy to use. Each
user can retrieve audio from
video files, convert formats,
record from the internet, add
effects, filters or burn CDs.
The manufacturer is constantly
improving, adding new tutorials,
and also offer free upgrades for
1 (one) year. This software can
work on many WAV format
either compressed or
uncompressed, such as AIFF
(Apple), AU, AVI, MP3, OGG, and
WMA (Windows).
Audio Editing:
This software can perform
batch processing and
conversion processes such as
providing a marker to edit, or
also provide tag information
simultaneously. All edits have a
preview option and are fully
The software also has preset
effects, including compressor /
expander, fade in / out, cross
fading, flange, phase,
Normalize, envelope
(envelopes), reverb, and
vibrato. Dexster Audio Editor
also offers a very good
collection of filters such as high
and low shelf, notch, band pass,
FFT and equalizer. It also can
reduce the silence or silent,
vocal sounds, and trim.
It would be nice if they had an
effect chain editor, and the
ability to tag in and out. Maybe
it will exist in their version to
Recording / Burning:
To record with this software is
very easy. You can record from
the internet, line-in, or it can rip
from DVD, or extract from an
audio CD. This software can also
work in a variety of audio
formats and producers, who if
not supported then you can
download it through the update
process. This program will work
very well on the audio formats
MP3 and WAV audio formats
and a few other kinds. This
software is also at the same
time have software for burning.
Easy of Use:
Dexster Audio Editor is one of
the best audio editor software
is easy to use, especially for
beginners. You do not have to
know how to Adjust the audio
to get a more sophisticated
effect. Simply apply one effect
or filter that has been provided
and that's it. On the main page
there are drop-down menus,
icons used to control, to give
effect, as well as ZOOM. Scroll
Mouse allows you to do the
ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT as far
as you want instantly. And also
you can do some basic
operations such as cutting,
pasting, or also to combine
multiple files using right-click
your mouse. The software also
uses basic keyboard shortcut
like ctrl-x to cut and ctrl-v to
paste and other basic shortcut.
Help and Support:
This product has excellent
support if you need help to use
their products or also to create
a specific effect. This program
includes integrated help, user
guide, and turorial terminology
such as an online user forum,
tutorials, FAQs, and access to
technical support via email.
They often conduct reforms
and also with the purchase. You
will get free updates for 1 year.
Softdiv Software says that this
version is almost 100%
compatible with Windows Vista.
However untu future versions
will be made 100% compatible
with Windows Vista.
Both feature this software that
is creative and technically make
Dexster Audio Editor can make
a very good audio for use on
online radio, website, or also for
use in presentation of a large
This product can record
everything from microphones
to the audio stream, and after
so, this program will help you to
save it into a CD. Starting from
the sound bytes up to the
hardcopy, this software do

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Diabetes mellitus is a medical
disorder where a person's blood
sugar levels to be high because
the sugar in the blood can not
be used by the body. Diabetes
Mellitus / DM disease also
known as blood sugar or
diabetes who have a lot jumpah
patients in Indonesia is also in
the whole world.
In people with healthy
carbohydrates in food that is
eaten is converted into glokosa
which will be distributed to all
body cells to be used as energy
with the help of insulin. In
people who suffer from
diabetes, glucose entry into
cells is difficult because little or
no insulin in the body
substance. As a result glucose
levels in the blood becomes
high that can later be side
effects that are negative or
High sugar content which will
be disposed of through urine.
Thus the urine of people with
diabetes will contain sugar so
often dilebung or surrounded
by ants. Furthermore, the
person will lack energy /
energy, tiredness, weakness,
easy to thirsty and hungry,
often tingling, frequent
urination, itching, and so forth.
The content of sugar or
diabetes while fasting is more
than 126 mg / dl and when not
fasting or normal more than
200 mg / dl. In the normal sugar
content ranges from 60-120
mg / dl.
Disease to be caused by disease
of blood sugar are visually
impaired eyes, cataracts, heart
disease, kidney disease, sexual
impotence, poor healing sores
and rotting / gangrene, lung
infections, vascular disorders,
strokes and so forth. Not
uncommon for people with
severe limb amputation can be
due to decay. Therefore it is
advisable to do a serious
treatment for people with and
implement / lead a healthy
lifestyle and good for those
who are still healthy and that is
There are two types of
diabetes mellitus, type 1
diabetes is where the body
lacks insulin or phrase Insulin
Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
(IDDM) and type 2 diabetes in
which the hormone insulin in
the body can not function
properly or a term of Non-
Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus (NIDDM .)
Diabetes is not 100%
hereditary. Diabetes can
melistus disebakan history and
descent caused by bad
lifestyle. Each person can get
diabetes both young and old. Be
alert for those of you who have
parents who are diabetic, as you
will also have blood sugar
talent if not run a good
The risk of developing diabetes
can be reduced by adjusting the
diet of healthy, diligent
exercise, enough sleep, avoiding
cigarettes mirasantika and so
forth. For those of you who
have been hit with diabetes
should exercise every morning,
eat a nutritious diet low in
carbohydrates and fat but high
in protein, vitamins and
minerals. Expand to eat
vegetables and other high fiber
foods. Diligent, industrious
check your blood sugars and
injecting insulin into the body
and take medication if
necessary according to the
instructions your doctor
regularly. That way you can
avoid the risk of more severe

Monday, February 21, 2011


Cats have lived with humans
through various times and
cultures, but only a few
hundred years were selected
and mated with the aim to
produce a particular race with a
clear and definite genetic.
Compared with an * which have
evolved over time, with various
races, sizes, shapes and
characters, racial variation is
narrower cat. Unlike the *,
variations in size and
conformation of different races
are not much different cat.
What is a Pedigree?
In a simple pedigree means
lineage. Cats with pedigree
(pedigreed cat) is a pedigree cat
is known to several generations
earlier. This pedigree must be a
written record (certificate).
A pure Persian cat could have
mated with pure Siamese cat.
Although both cats silisilah is
clear, the resulting child can not
be expressed as a new race
(Persian / Siamese) to children
who have traits produced a
clear and consistent
Ras Cats
Based on her hair, race cat can
be divided into three groups,
namely the long hair (longhair),
short hair (shorthair) and the
hair is (semi-longhair). Here is a
list of races that are classified
based on cats long hair:
- Persian
- Birman
- Turkish Van
- Turkish Angora
- Somali
- Maine Coon
- Norwegian Forest
- Balinese
- Javanese
- Ragdoll
- Tiffanie
- Tiffany
- Cymric
- Exotic Shorthair
- British Shorthair
- American Shorthair
- European Shorthair
- Chartreux
- Oriental Shorthair
- Siamese
- Snowshoe
- Seychellois
- Abyssinian
- Russian Blue
- Korat
- Burmese
- Asian Group
- Burmilla
- Bombay
- Bengal
- Tonkinese
- Egyptian Mau
- Singapore
- Ocicat
- Japanese Bobtail
- Manx
- Cornish Rex
- Devon Rex
- Selkirk Rex
- American Curl
- Scottish Fold
- American Wirehair
- Sphynx
Here are some cats that formed
races because of genetic
- American Bobtail
- American Curl
- American Wirehair
- Cornish Rex
- Cymric
- Devon Rex
- Germany Rex
- Japanese Bobtail
- Kurilian Bobtail
- LaPerm
- Manx
- Munchkin
- Ojos Azules
- Peterbald
- Pixie-bob
- Selkirk Rex
- Scottish Fold
- Sphynx
Race cat that obtained by
mating with wild cats:
- Alpine Lynx
- Bengal
- Chausie
- Desert Lynx
- Highland Lynx
- Jaguarundi Curl
- Savannah
- Serengeti
- Toyger


I never knew if the process was
healthy too painful cough. So
far I believe that all illnesses
that God gave man was to
remove sin and guilt, and also to
give new strength to the
people to live their lives after
resting for a moment the
normal mechanism of body
Coughing is a function of the
body's defense was created by
God to man, with a rapid
response of the body when
there are foreign objects that
enter the body, especially the
throat. Therefore cough can
occur in a healthy condition, so
they can say `make healthy
cough`, and could be in a state
of pain that hurts so `cough`.
On the nose, throat and internal
organs have receptors called
mucus that serves capture
foreign substances that infects
the human body. These
receptors are produced by
goblet cells (being there
Microbiology research project
on this cell). Substances
produce mucus mucin and some
substances that contain salt.
One type of mucus is the
sputum ( phlegm ).
So, when there are foreign
substances that could arise
from the smoke, the sharp
smell, dust, pollen, dirt on the
wind, etc. into the nose, mucus
worked as a security guard with
a pitfall in the form of mucin to
capture foreign substances
earlier. Traps had a double
function in addition to capturing
the enemy, as well as to keep
the lining of the nose remains
wet. When stools pass through
the tengggorokan, he was
detained with sputum
production. Because the
phlegm in the form of mucus
that inhibits breathing, then we
make out sputum batuklah is at
once the enemy was.
Unfortunately, sometimes the
enemy is releasing
pamungkasnya weapon when
he went into the throat, and the
chance that another security
guard, security guard in our
bodies (antibodies) are letoy as
`salary` (read = nutrition) is less.
As a result our body fever,
fever, followed by flu, colds,
and coughs. Usually we are
encouraged to take vitamin C,
eat fruit and vegetables, drink
lots of water.
The sputum produced in your
throat contain chemicals that
vary depending on climate,
genetics and condition of the
body's defense system.
Generally a viscous solution
containing a gel which is a
solution glicoprotein,
imunoglobin, lipids, etc..
Sputum color to indicate the
severity of symptoms of
1. Sputum of healthy color is
clear or white
2. Yellow phlegm sign of
symptoms of fever, cough,
common cold
3. Green phlegm sign of
pneumonia indication
4. Brown phlegm sign of heavy
smokers and heavy pebatuk (:D)
5. TB sputum mixed with blood
In Japan, I learned how to
prevent viral or bacterial
infection, especially when the
change of seasons, or the flu
(kaze) is by washing your hands
(te o Arau) and throat wash
(ugai). Washing throat means
putting water into the mouth
and then raised his head, so the
water up to the throat, and
then emits `` goro-goro in the
throat, the water is not
swallowed but spit out
immediately (I wonder what
the Indonesian language ... .???)
Glory to Allah who has created
such a perfect system, I believe
animals have it too, just .... I
have never seen a cat cough or
runny nose dog

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Confused how to bathe a cat
grooming yourself at home.
Actually it is not difficult weeks
to bathe a cat. And indeed we
should get used to bathe the
pet cats of our own without
having to go to petshop2.
besides we can save energy,
save money and time saving.
are also cleaning our cat is more
secure than that our cat will
also be more near and dear to
us. So temen2 all not to be
confused or hesitate weeks to
try to get used to bathe the cat
yourself at home. And this time
I will try to help teman2 all.
okay we begin ...
Alat2 who need to prepare:
1. Warm water
2. Yg soft towel
3. Special shampoo cats
4. Cotton
5. Hair drayer
6. Special comb cat
7. Special Perfume cat
After all he had in ready, then
we begin to close the hole
pertama2 cat ears with cotton
use for water could not get into
his ear while being bathed. Body
wash a cat with berlahan2 while
rubbed gently to get the water
can penetrate to the base of his
skin. Then give a special
shampoo cats rub all over her
body from head to tip beware lest the
cat's eyes and nose. Rub gently
until foamy let stand about 3
minutes then flush again until
clean and make sure there is no
shampoo left dibulu2 his reply.
After that, dry with a soft
towel and then dry in the sun
under which the sun about half
an hour. After that dry the cat
with heirdrayer bulu2 to dry.
After bulu2 cat dry benar2 then
disisi2 last reply neat and
special cat spray a little

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Food provided is a special
cat food that has been
recommended to have a
complete nutrient so that
the condition of his health is
Dose adjusted feeding cat
needs to eat once
cultivated will be
exhausted so that the feed
is always changing (the
condition is in new
Avoid obesity (overweight)
by eating dose fits their
Choose a dry food because
it is practical and grain dry
granules help clean the
cat's teeth
If the cat is accustomed to
eating wet food, try
feeding 1 x fitted quantities
and the rest are still in the
cans stored in the
refrigerator and when to
feed again briefly warmed
or removed from the
refrigerator so the food
returned to its original
Place cat food should
always be clean, food
scraps (especially wet)
immediately discarded and
give food at certain hours to
get used to eating cat
knows the schedule and if a
cat is not placed in cages
provide meals in the
corner / place certain (not
removable) to familiarize
the cats know where their
food is automatically
Provide enough water to
drink (water cooking / aqua)
, stable or other place (can
be near their feeding),
although the cat will drink a
little but still need supplies
Provide a comfortable bed,
if possible made of rattan
(exterior materials) that can
be used to sharpen the nails
(to avoid scratching the sofa
or other furniture)
The box must be filled cat
feces litter (sand cat) that
are sold in pet shops / super
markets that have used
highly absorbent so it can
absorb urine quickly.
Immediately dispose of cat
feces (BAB) as soon as
possible and replace the
sand cat which already
contains a piss 2 times daily
(morning, afternoon).
Bathe the cat at least 3 x in
1 month or 1-week can also
use a shampoo with a cat
that had low pH and do it
every day for sweeping fur
coat that would not fall out
terjilat that causes cats to
vomit because of ingested
hair or if not bulu2 cat that
swallowed would interfere
with the digestive system.
Do vaccinations according to
age and needs health check
also routinely cat to your
Immediately consult your
veterinarian if the cat
showed initial tanda2
stricken with illness, such
as: do not have the
appetite / decreased
appetite, runny nose / snot
out, CHAPTER flaccid / not

Monday, February 14, 2011


This factor is
crucial, in the development of
the next cat. If raising a cat, just
a perfunctory only, then do not
expected to be successful.
Also too, even more important
that feeding should be chosen-
chosen. The reason for this
import cats, if their feed at
random, then did not rule out
the feathers would fall out, so
the beauty of the cats no
longer exists.
Drh. Ooy Komariah, in a paper on
ways to keep cats healthy,
beautiful and prosperous
provide some important clues in
Naturally, Komariah said, cats
are animals that are very
careful in choosing food. A
healthy cat is a cat who is active
and always alert. Marked by
bright sunshine, and the
feathers look as if the shine.
In the provision of food, there
are basic rules that should be
known by the breeder cats are:
1). Provide food, which comes
from a company with good
reputation, 2). Do not give the
cat food, mixed up with dog
food or vice versa, 3). Bowls of
food and drink, should always
clean, 4). Do not give food from
food that is damaged, 5). Do not
include fish and chicken bones,
cat food, 6). Provide food at
room temperature is cool and
fresh, 7). Dispose of food left,
so the cat is finished eating, 8).
Consider weight, and do not let
food in excess portion, 9). Do
not store food, which has been
cooked into the refrigerator
again, and 10). Consult with
your veterinarian if the cat
would not eat in 24 hours.
Diet Watch
In a breeding cat, pay attention
to the food given to cats,
especially foods that contain
the following elements:
proteins contained in
commercial cat food, meat,
eggs, milk, and cheese at least
25%. Fats found in animal fats,
and vegetables at least 9%.
Carbohydrates contained in
rice, potatoes, and dry food up
to 40%. Then add the minerals,
vitamins and water.
As for the cage, especially
required when traveling or
bringing animals to the vet.
Never go with a cat, without a
cage because it will be fatal. Do
not forget to provide sand in
the box, the cat's cage to
facilitate urination and
In health maintenance, health
checks should be done
regularly, giving the vaccination
at least 1 time a year and giving
de-worming every 3 months.
All three are very important,
because if you do not do it,
worry about cat health will
There are some signs, which
indicate that the cat is healthy
is: fur shine and feel soft when
touched. No visible markings,
scratch marks on the skin. Inner
ear, pink and should not be seen
there is discharge out of the ear
Eyes shining and clean. The
nose was soft, and moist when
touched. Clean teeth and
breath does not smell. Pink
gums, and the area around the
anus under the tail always looks
While in breeding, there are
some important things to
consider are: 1. Type of cat that
will be bred, 2. If you want to
breed cats, should that have a
clear pedigree. For this, we
must find a suitable male cat, 3.
Do not forget, give vaccinations
prior to breeding cats, 4. Tell
your doctor before mated, if
the cat was in good health, 5.
Provide a balanced nutrition,
the cat who was pregnant, also
on the parent who is
breastfeeding, 6. Prepare a
place / box warm for the needs
of the mother in childbirth, 7. If
the mother dies or unwilling to
care for her child, adoptive
parent swatch, 8. Train your
kitten from an early age,
starting from the age of 4
weeks, 9. Give your kitten food
according to age.
Keep in mind, that female cats
will experience a period of want
to marry (heat) with cycles
every 2 weeks. While the
length of estrus, it is between
2-4 days each breeding season.
While the male animals
throughout the year, after
entering adulthood.
There are some signs of a
female cat at the time wanted
to marry al: Start memangil
male cat-calling, a way out
meowing sound. 2. Cats will roll
around, in the presence of the
male with the intent to attract
the attention of the male, 3. At
the first meeting, the female
will try to reject the male, 4.
After successfully perform
coitus male, female cats will
The signs of pregnant cat al:
Nipples begin to enlarge. Fur
around the nipple began to thin,
this is to facilitate the child
suckling its mother. Enlarged
abdomen, and weighs 1-2 kg cat
will increase during pregnancy.
While the female cat will give
birth sign is: First time going out
of white mucus in the vagina.
In the first phase, the signs will
give birth to its mother began
breathing heavily and panting,
but does not feel pain. The next
phase, the cat began to lay on
one of the main side and lifted
one of the main rear leg


Persian cat, himalaya or angora
is very pretty, anggung and
elegant appearance. That's
what's become one of the
reasons why people are
interested to maintain it. Its fur
is long, soft and fluffy it makes
it looks different from a cat
"village" that we often
encounter around the house.
However, these conditions can
only be found in cats long hair
well maintained. Long hair cat
that went untreated can look
more dirty, dull and 'sinister'
than the cat robber.
Some things are worth noting in
the care and maintenance of
long hair cats are:
1. Combing hair every day.
It is useful to shed the
feathers off so as not
nenempel and stuck on
the feathers that are still
alive. Fur die is not
wasted will cause the
hair to be tangled and
could cause the gimbal.
In addition, dead hair can
cause hairball, which
lumps fur in the digestive
tract due to self activity
fur swallowed while
grooming (licking his fur).
Hairball very dangerous
if not to induce vomiting.
Combing hair also
provides benefits such as
massage, which
stimulates / Accelerate
blood circulation.
2. Combing the opposite
direction of hair growth.
Comb hair from the nape
towards the front little
by little until the end of
the tail. Do it slowly,
gently and with feeling
so that the cat enjoys
this activity. Use a special
comb made of metal and
tooth comb rather tight.
3. Wipe the surface of the
face and fur that dirt is
lifted. Do this before
combed. Use a damp soft
cloth (washlap or
4. Bath with special
shampoo for cats every
2 weeks. Do this activity
when it was still early
and the weather is bright
enough (Cat in a fit
condition) so that cat fur
is not cold and dry
quickly. Good for the skin
dry with no damp. Moist
skin conditions will
stimulate the growth of
fungi. If the prior 2
weeks cat looks dirty.
Simply clean it with
warm water and towel
without using shampoo.
Shower activity that is
too often a negative
impact on the
appearance of hair and
skin health long term,
because it will damage
the layer of fat on the
feathers and skin.
Good nutrition will greatly
support the appearance and
skin health. Give a cat food that
provides additional benefits for
long hair.


There are so many causes of cat
would not eat. The simplest
may be because the cat was
bored with the usual food
given. Other causes are more
severe and feared the pain.
Appetite in the sick cats will be
reduced or even disappear
altogether. The action is best if
the cat will not eat, see your
veterinarian and consult your
cat's problem.
For a while following a few
simple actions can be done to
overcome the loss of appetite,
but if it continues immediately
take your cat to the vet.
Stimulate appetite
Sometimes a cat is a bit lazy and
spoiled. Try handed food (food
dish) to the front of his nose or
put some food into his mouth
and see if his appetite aroused.
This method can be tried
several times, if that does not
work use the following way.
Mix & replace food
Like humans, cats can get bored
of the same food every day.
Some dry cat food commercial
(small biscuits shaped) did not
have the smell and taste
appetizing. This can be tried to
overcome by giving wet food or
canned food that does have a
smell and taste stronger. If the
cat will eat the wet food, try to
mix the dry food with wet food.
Canned food (wet) should not
be given every day for the long
term because in addition to
inadequate nutrition can also
accelerate the formation of
plaque or tartar.
Various canned food products
for cats are widely available in
the market / pet store, from
the inexpensive to expensive.
Note also the content of every
food brand. Foods that are
often encountered, such as
Whiskas & friskies usually
enough to stimulate the
appetite. If you want better
food can be given to the brand
Science Diet (Hills) or if you
want better food can be given a
special "Science Diet a /
d" (Science Diet Prescription a /
d). In addition to flavor and
aroma that is more stimulating,
nutrition "Science Diet a / d" is
also better and more complete.
Please note special meals
"Science Diet a / d" only to be
given once in a while, not for
food every day.
Suapi cat
Feeding the cats could by hand,
a small spoon or easier to use
syringe (syringe / injection)
without needle. Food provided
by the wet food. This wet food
can be:
* Canned food
* Dry food soaked in warm
water first, then after a soft
crushed with a spoon or blender
* Canned food mixed with dry
food that has been destroyed
suapi cat food while
occasionally handed in prirng
eating to see if the cat has to
eat alone. Be careful when
feeding by using a syringe. Hold
the cat's head or ears, insert
syringe containing the liquid
food from the side (tip side of
the mouth), slowly press the
syringe for cats can chew and
swallow food properly. Syringe
containing foods should not be
sprayed into the mouth of a cat
because it can cause choking cat
Give vitamins and appetite
Some supplements or vitamins
can be given as an appetite
stimulant. Vitamins are the
most simple and easy to usual
vitamin B complex. This vitamin
can be given in the form of
tablets or syrup.
Other supplements that can be
given is the amino acid lysine
(Lysine). In addition to
stimulating appetite, lysine also
can interfere with replication /
development of disease-
causing herpes virus Feline
Rhinotracheitis (cat flu).
Look for supplements and
vitamins are in the nearest
pharmacy. Usually lysine and B
complex are widely available as
a supplement for children, such
as Biolysin ® Syrup, Lysmin ®
(containing lysine & B complex),
Becombion ® syrup (B complex)
. Get used to provide vitamins
simultaneously or a few
minutes after eating. Especially
in cats who do not eat all day,
which is not preceded
supplementation feeding can
irritate the stomach and cause
vomiting. Consult manner and
dosage of these supplements
with your veterinarian your
The supplementation of lysine
and B as the new complex will
have an effect increased
appetite a few days after being
given continuously every day.
If you want a more influential
fast (instant), contact your
veterinarian and ask for your
subscription appetite stimulant
drugs (appetite stimulants)
such as diazepam (valium
dosage of 0.05-0.2 mg / kg IV
qod or sid-0.5 - 1 mg PO sid *).
Diazepam is the hard drugs that
can affect the hunger center in
the brain. Drug reaction is quite
fast about 10-15 minutes after
being given orally. Therefore,
immediately prepare a meal
near the cat for eating so he can
immediately react to the drug.
Because of the effects of
addictive (addictive), diazepam
should be given no more than 2
times in a row.

Monday, January 31, 2011

CHILDREN AND TELEVISION [ taken: www.Kulinet.Com ]

Conscious or not, today's
private television stations is
growing rapidly expanding, not
only in urban areas, but in the
countryside have a similar
impact. As parents, how
important is introducing
television to the children and
your children and what parents
need to know in relation to this
Nothing could be more, based
on the fact that there are
nearly most of the people of
Indonesia have at least one
television at home unt
respectively. Moreover, most
of us may be able to spend time
to watch television is almost
more than ten hours or even
more. Because really, television
is really needed people to get
information from all corners of
the country. Maybe the parents
do not need what is being
studied by scientists about the
influence of television on our
children, but these things are
already sehasrunya parents
• A lot of impressions to
children on television showing
scenes of violence, vulgar, or
even tend destructive. Once
you go watch cartoons with the
children or your children, even
though packaged as a film
genre Cartoons but in reality is
still far away as we expected.
For example: Sponge Bob, Bugs
Bunny, etc. Shinchan. Portrait
realistic that there are still
many showing violent actions
adults typically do like to
strangle, beat, shot, slammed,
or even the desire to destroy
your opponent. It is as if just
like a movie for adults that are
packed through the cartoons. If
programs like this continue to
be consumed by children every
day, it is not impossible this will
increase the likelihood of a child
to violent behavior in the
• The pattern of thinking of
children not yet mature. They
are still unable to distinguish
right and interpret what they
see on the television screen like
real life. Examples: children,
especially toddlers still much
to interpret that character /
characters they see on
television is the figure actually
live in their television. This
could exacerbate the
perception of children and
confuse them in learning what
is real and unreal in this world.
One time it could grow the idea
of fear, trauma, and even make
things that are considered
contrary from the perspective
of a child. That's what parents
really need to be able to
provide assistance and
explanations for children and
infants you understand very
well according to their
• Watching television can make
a child's addiction or addictive.
The more a child is often watch
television, then the greater the
desire to see again. Have you
ever noticed? a baby any one
time were actually made not
want to turn his eyes from the
screen, especially if the events
that took place very make her
curious and want to know. Even
when they start to addiction, if
we turn off the TV when
they're still fun to watch may
make them angry, cry or even
cranky, too. Children who
watch TV in excess will
naturally tend to be passive and
will lose their creativity. The
time should they use to play, to
be wasted spent in front of the
television screen.
• And indeed, sometimes we as
parents began to make the TV
media as a "shortcut" to make
children feel comfortable,
happy and not cry. If we use
the services of Baby-sitter or
nanny, especially in big cities,
often television was as a
powerful way through daily life
in the whining and crying
silently. Simply turn on the
Cartoon TV program or DVD
then the child will turn easily
hypnotized in the event that
saw it.
• Children who frequently saw
a TV in their daily life,
unnecessarily, will very likely
be at risk for obesity, poor social
development, and may even
affect their behavior to be
selfish. The sequel will in the
future will enter the Playgroup
or when entering kindergarten,
will be easy emotionally
moody, hard to socialize, hard
to respond to and capture
lessons delivered when
compared to those who
consume little or no television
at all.
If we are talking whether or not
a child is introduced to the TV,
may vary according to your
needs and our role as parents
who were very big impact on
child development. Perhaps we
also need to consider some tips
that can minimize the negative
effects that may occur and
maximize the positive role of
television for our baby:
• Pause before introducing TV
to your toddler as much as
possible. It is better if the tread
around the age of two years
before you introduce your baby
on television. However, if in
fact, indeed, could not forbid
children to see the TV, then we
should really choose jelly
programs for children, also limit
the time to watch television or
even make him forget the
television in every day. The less
time for television will get
better, and your goal is
reached. If I need to create a
schedule to see TV, for
example 30 minutes or an hour
per day, or to her favorite
event, so that we will not turn
on the TV too often for our
• For more good you had a time
to watch the show on TV
before you membolahkan your
children see it. Although the
event for the child intended to
provide a good moral message
to us, but the more good we
give a sufficient understanding
in children. Also, continuously
providing assistance or go see
with your child / your children,
because it found a lot of TV
shows that do not comply with
the portion of children,
especially about the violence.
• Give more attention to the ads
that appear on TV. Because at
some point the ad was too large
to give effect to the child to
become accustomed to mimic
what is on the ad.
• Choose the program that is
really for children, which can
help increase creativity and
imajinya. For those of us
probably will be felt tedious in a
long time probably also by
following what he wanted. But
most importantly, look as if we
do it from the perspective of a
• If it is deemed necessary, the
complete collection of your
VCD or DVD with a program to
educate children. So if
whenever you want, you can
lead children to view programs
for children that have been
scheduled, whenever want to
see it. So, to keep them away
from seeing TV shows that are
not necessary.
Once again dampingilah your
children watch TV, so you can
see what the direct reaction of
the child and your toddler. Ask
questions if necessary, and also
participate to discuss with
them. Make a right decision
about how you as a parent to
use television wisely on your
family, do not position the
discourse is only out of
necessity or chance alone.


Seeing cartoons are cute and
fun, your toddler would never
want to miss the TV show. But,
as parents, we must be diligent
in overseeing what the
spectacle of children. The
following tips:
Get used to talk with children
about the film that is or has
been seen. He knows there
are many interesting things
can be learned from
watching movies. You can
ask her to open the
encyclopedia or other books
to explore more deeply
about the themes being
discussed in the cartoon.
Invite a child caregivers in
choosing a good cartoon.
Create a schedule to watch
television: "who should" and
"should not be".
As a substitute for television
movie, choose DVD / VCD
appropriate age and
In addition to watching
television, encourage child
berkegiatan in hours he
played with storybook
reading, the streets around
the complex, making toys,
playing in the garden or
Do not let children watch TV
programs on its own release.
You certainly do not want khan
if negative influence over your
child's TV

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Laptop battery is one
an important component
should be noted, many
laptop battery claim does not
but not long lasting
buying a laptop.
Well here are some things
that can be done to
make our laptop battery
durable and long lasting,
Set the battery power
Way, click on Start
then choose Control Panel
and double-click on Power
Option. Dialog box appears
Power Options Properties,
Power Schemes later in
drop down menu to select
Minimal Power Management
Your Max Bettery. Well if you
durable battery please select
Battery because this choice will
conserve battery power
only membutahkan
minimum processor speed and
in this case Max Battery
cause speed
laptop decreases.
Pengecasan Batre
When the battery mengecas
until completely full and
do not overdo it (too long)
. Do not wait batre
empty for mengecas battery,
pengecasan should
done when battery is almost
exhausted and usually muincul
warning on the desktop.
Remove the battery
If the laptop is not used in
long term should
off the battery. Or when
the use of laptops in time
long should
using power
use an adapter.
Unplug the device that is not
Unplug devices
stuck on a laptop if
was not used, for example
cable camera, flash, card
Reader, etc.. This will
making power in the battery is
Reduce the brightness
That the LCD enough
drain on battery power,
therefore subtract
LCD brightness to a minimum
possible but still remain
comfortable to wear.
Reduce resulosi
Reducing the resolution can
make a reduction in
power consumption
used. To reduce
resolution on the monitor
You can right click on
Windows desktop and then
select Properties, then click on
Settings tab and on the menu
dropdown select Color Quality
lower and click Ok.
Bunakan blank screen savers
Praise be to Allaah use
screen savers may drain
battery. To create a blank
screen savers on your laptop
way as in the above manner
but on the Properties select the
Screen Saver, then on
sereen saver option pilihlan
"Blank" and set a time
waiting until 2 minutes ago
click Ok.
Disable Wi-Fi
When you do not use
Wi-Fi on a laptop should
turned off, this will
reduce power consumption
the battery.
Well the above methods you
use to make the battery
Your laptop is more durable.
Treat your laptop as well
possible and good luck.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Age is already rolling. As the
movement of time, of course,
the sophistication of
technology such as computers
are not a luxury anymore. Even
saw a child aged 5 years and so
smooth to play the computer is
not a strange apparition again. It
may be that even the pitcher
and Upik at home also has more
familiar clack-click a computer
mouse than you are.
Computer seemed to be 2 sides
of the coin is totally different.
On the one hand this thing can
overwhelm your child with a
myriad of additional
knowledge, but on the other
hand, that he would be more
fun to play computer than
hanging out with friends
seumurannya also a concern
that you save. This dependence
on a single object can also be a
problem in itself.
Trish (4) learn to recognize the
new computer, have fun trying
out educational programs in the
familiar colors and shapes, while
Rafi smart now because of the
frequent practice of
mathematics with computer
assistance. While on the other
hand, Dino (6 years) is now more
like hanging out with a
computer than with his friends.
He even could spend hours just
to play games and be a lazy
The emergence of computer
technology itself is neutral in
fact. Positive or negative
influence that can come from
this instrument course a lot
depends on the utilization.
When children are allowed to
use the computer at random,
the impact could be negative.
Instead, the computer will have
a positive influence when used
wisely, that is helping the
intellectual and motor
development of children.
Computer enclosure
Actually the word is only as an
expression of fencing that
parents can guide children to
use computers without having
to make the child affected by
the negative.
Which must be observed is
probably the consumption of
games and the Internet. A wide
variety of computer games
sometimes escape from
parental supervision. And
sometimes games simply
loaded with elements of
violence and aggressiveness.
Many education experts warns
that violence and aggression
scented games this is a trigger
aggressive behavior in child and
sadistic. For the Internet, this
may be a problem for your
baby that is growing
increasingly large. Internet
access actually is a good start
for developing insights into a
child. Unfortunately, children
are also threatened by the
number of bad information that
is flooding the Internet, such as
sex and violence-charged
materials are sold openly and
without hindrance.
Dangers of Addiction
It should be noted, too, not
only drugs that can lead to
addiction, because the
computer can do the same on
your baby. Negative influence
of computer addiction play is
sparking children become lazy
to write, draw or even social
activities. So what should you
do as a parent so that the
computer can still be friends
and not become the enemy of
children? Consider the
following ..
Addicted to playing computer
could occur mainly because
since the beginning of a parent
does not make the rules of
playing the computer. Make a
deal with the child about the
time playing computer games.
For example, children can play
computer after school after
they finish their homework for
one hour only. The time can be
given more lenient on holidays.
Give children the opportunity
to learn and interact with
computers early on. Especially
considering the use of
computers is something that
can not be avoided in the
present and the future.
Stock Watch
The light is too bright and the
view distance is too close to
disturb the child's sense of
vision. Keep an eye on it to
prevent disruption of the
function of your baby's senses.
Choose the specific software
that is intended for children.
Adjust always with the child's
age and ability.
It should be safe. Note the
safety of children while playing
computer from dangerous
electrical voltage. Do not let
happen konsleting or possibly
electrocuted certain parts of
the body exposed to the
computer CPU.
Provide a table or chair
ergonomic computer and in
accordance with the shape and
size of the child's body. Make
your baby comfortable in such
a case. Form of property that is
not ergonomic can adversely
affect the development of
anatomical shape of the child.
Do not get too cool to play the
computer, so forget your child
hang out with friends
sepantarannya. Embed him that
the computer is not the only
fun activity that can be done by
playing and socializing with
friends is also not less
Well, good-playing computer ..

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