Monday, February 14, 2011


There are so many causes of cat
would not eat. The simplest
may be because the cat was
bored with the usual food
given. Other causes are more
severe and feared the pain.
Appetite in the sick cats will be
reduced or even disappear
altogether. The action is best if
the cat will not eat, see your
veterinarian and consult your
cat's problem.
For a while following a few
simple actions can be done to
overcome the loss of appetite,
but if it continues immediately
take your cat to the vet.
Stimulate appetite
Sometimes a cat is a bit lazy and
spoiled. Try handed food (food
dish) to the front of his nose or
put some food into his mouth
and see if his appetite aroused.
This method can be tried
several times, if that does not
work use the following way.
Mix & replace food
Like humans, cats can get bored
of the same food every day.
Some dry cat food commercial
(small biscuits shaped) did not
have the smell and taste
appetizing. This can be tried to
overcome by giving wet food or
canned food that does have a
smell and taste stronger. If the
cat will eat the wet food, try to
mix the dry food with wet food.
Canned food (wet) should not
be given every day for the long
term because in addition to
inadequate nutrition can also
accelerate the formation of
plaque or tartar.
Various canned food products
for cats are widely available in
the market / pet store, from
the inexpensive to expensive.
Note also the content of every
food brand. Foods that are
often encountered, such as
Whiskas & friskies usually
enough to stimulate the
appetite. If you want better
food can be given to the brand
Science Diet (Hills) or if you
want better food can be given a
special "Science Diet a /
d" (Science Diet Prescription a /
d). In addition to flavor and
aroma that is more stimulating,
nutrition "Science Diet a / d" is
also better and more complete.
Please note special meals
"Science Diet a / d" only to be
given once in a while, not for
food every day.
Suapi cat
Feeding the cats could by hand,
a small spoon or easier to use
syringe (syringe / injection)
without needle. Food provided
by the wet food. This wet food
can be:
* Canned food
* Dry food soaked in warm
water first, then after a soft
crushed with a spoon or blender
* Canned food mixed with dry
food that has been destroyed
suapi cat food while
occasionally handed in prirng
eating to see if the cat has to
eat alone. Be careful when
feeding by using a syringe. Hold
the cat's head or ears, insert
syringe containing the liquid
food from the side (tip side of
the mouth), slowly press the
syringe for cats can chew and
swallow food properly. Syringe
containing foods should not be
sprayed into the mouth of a cat
because it can cause choking cat
Give vitamins and appetite
Some supplements or vitamins
can be given as an appetite
stimulant. Vitamins are the
most simple and easy to usual
vitamin B complex. This vitamin
can be given in the form of
tablets or syrup.
Other supplements that can be
given is the amino acid lysine
(Lysine). In addition to
stimulating appetite, lysine also
can interfere with replication /
development of disease-
causing herpes virus Feline
Rhinotracheitis (cat flu).
Look for supplements and
vitamins are in the nearest
pharmacy. Usually lysine and B
complex are widely available as
a supplement for children, such
as Biolysin ® Syrup, Lysmin ®
(containing lysine & B complex),
Becombion ® syrup (B complex)
. Get used to provide vitamins
simultaneously or a few
minutes after eating. Especially
in cats who do not eat all day,
which is not preceded
supplementation feeding can
irritate the stomach and cause
vomiting. Consult manner and
dosage of these supplements
with your veterinarian your
The supplementation of lysine
and B as the new complex will
have an effect increased
appetite a few days after being
given continuously every day.
If you want a more influential
fast (instant), contact your
veterinarian and ask for your
subscription appetite stimulant
drugs (appetite stimulants)
such as diazepam (valium
dosage of 0.05-0.2 mg / kg IV
qod or sid-0.5 - 1 mg PO sid *).
Diazepam is the hard drugs that
can affect the hunger center in
the brain. Drug reaction is quite
fast about 10-15 minutes after
being given orally. Therefore,
immediately prepare a meal
near the cat for eating so he can
immediately react to the drug.
Because of the effects of
addictive (addictive), diazepam
should be given no more than 2
times in a row.

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